All season pass holders of Camelback Resort who have enrolled in coverage and paid their premium.
Covered Activities
Skiing and Snowboarding activities within the bounds of Camelback Resort.
Policy Details
Covered Accident
A sudden unforeseeable event, independent of disease, sickness and mental of bodily infirmity, that results in a covered injury or covered loss and occurs while you are insured under the policy while participating in covered activities.
First Covered Expense
Must be incurred within 90 days after the date of the covered accident.
Treatment Time frame for Accident Medical Expense
Benefits for covered expenses are paid up to 52 weeks from the date of the covered accident.
First notice of Loss
Spot must be notified within 31 days after a loss occurs or begins, or as soon as reasonably possible. Use the link below to contact our customer care team, email spot@getspot.com or simply start a claim from your Spot account.
Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D):
Coverage is for death or severe dismemberment that occurs as the result of a covered accident while participating in a covered activity.
Heart And Circulatory Malfunction:
Coverage is for a sudden heart or circulatory malfunction that occurs while participating in a covered activity. First symptoms must be diagnosed within 24 hours of participating in a covered activity. No coverage for pre-existing heart conditions diagnosed or treated within 12 months preceding the covered accident.
Policy Benefits
Accident Medical Expense
Accidental Death or Dismemberment
Heart And Circulatory Malfunction
Policy Exclusions
We will not pay benefits for a loss due to or expenses incurred for:
- Intentionally self-inflicted injury, suicide, or any attempt thereat while sane or insane;
- commission or attempt to commit a felony or an assault;
- commission of or active participation in a riot or insurrection;
- bungee-cord jumping, parachuting, skydiving, parasailing, hang-gliding;
- declared or undeclared War or act of War;
- flight in, boarding, or alighting from an Aircraft or any craft designed to fly above the Earth’s surface, except as:
a. a fare-paying passenger on a regularly scheduled commercial or charter airline;
b. a passenger in a non-scheduled, private Aircraft used for pleasure purposes with no commercial intent during the flight;"
c. a passenger in a military Aircraft flown by the Air Mobility Command or its foreign equivalent; - travel in or on any on-road and off-road motorized vehicle that does not require licensing as a motor vehicle;
- participation in any motorized race or contest of speed;
- an Accident if the Covered Person is the operator of a motor vehicle and does not possess a valid motor vehicle operator's license unless: (a) the Covered Person holds a valid learner's permit and (b) the Covered Person is receiving instruction from a Driver's Education Instructor;
- Sickness, disease, bodily or mental infirmity, bacterial or viral infection, or medical or surgical treatment thereof, except for any bacterial infection resulting from an accidental external cut or wound or accidental ingestion of contaminated food;
- travel or activity outside the United States;
- the Covered Person being legally intoxicated as determined according to the laws of the jurisdiction in which the Covered Accident occurred;
- voluntary ingestion of any narcotic, drug, poison, gas, or fumes, unless prescribed or taken under the direction of a Physician and taken in accordance with the prescribed dosage;
- injuries compensable under Workers’ Compensation law or any similar law;
- a Covered Accident that occurs while on active duty service in the military, naval, or air force of any country or international organization. Upon Our receipt of proof of service, We will refund any premium paid for this time. Reserve or National Guard active duty training is not excluded unless it extends beyond 31 days;
- aggravation, during a Covered Activity, of an injury the Covered Person suffered before participating in that Covered Activity, unless We receive a written medical release from the Covered Person’s Physician;
- operating any type of vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or any drug, narcotic, or other intoxicant including any prescribed drug for which the Covered Person has been provided a written warning against operating a vehicle while taking it. Under the influence of alcohol, for purposes of this exclusion, means intoxicated, as defined by the law of the state in which the Covered Accident occurred.
In addition, benefits will not be paid for services or treatment rendered by any person who is:
- employed or retained by the Policyholder;
- living in the Covered Person’s household;
- an Immediate Family Member of either the Covered Person or the Covered Person’s spouse;
- the Covered Person.
© 2024 Spot Insurance Inc. All rights reserved. This is a summary of the benefits provided by the policy. Coverage is subject to the policy’s terms, conditions, and exclusions. In the event of a discrepancy between this summary and the policy, the terms of the policy will control. The policy will be made available upon request. Coverage is underwritten and claims are serviced by SiriusPoint America Insurance Company. CMBK Resort Holdings, LLC is the policyholder for Accident Insurance for Registered Participants who are season pass holders who elect coverage, pay the required premium, and who are participating in covered activities sponsored by the Policyholder.